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Corporate Governance

Ensuring ethical decision and accountability for highest value performance and sustainability.

Committes In Sinarmas Asset Management

GCG Committee – GCG Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in carrying out the supervisory function to ensure the implementation of the five GCG principles in the Company. The GCG Committee helps the Board of Commissioners in the assessment of GCG policies prepared and implemented by the Board of Directors, including policies regarding business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Remuneration & Nomination Commitee – Remuneration and Nomination Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in determining the remuneration structure of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors based on Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles.

Executive Committee – The Executive Committee was formed to assist the duties of the Board of Directors in determining the Company’s operational strategies.

Product Committee – The Product Committee was formed to assist the Board of Directors in managing and developing products, both existing and new.

Investment Committee – The Investment Committee was formed to assist the Board of Directors in monitoring the implementation of investments by the investment management team to obtain optimal investment performance.

Risk Committee – The Risk Committee is established by the Board of Directors to help manage the credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk including legal risk, compliance risk, reputation risk, and strategic risk. The risk management is considered essential in creating optimal balance of yield generation proportional to the risk taken.

Alternative Investment Committee – The Alternative Investment Committee was established to assist the Board of Directors in investment management, covering the determination and evaluation of investment strategies. Moreover, the Committee is responsible for ensuring that the investment management has been implemented by taking into account the risks and potential impacts. The Committee has work relationship with Alternative Investment Management Team and Alternative
Investment Division.

Human Capital Committee – The Human Capital Committee is established to support the Board of Directors in managing Human Capital, including the establishment of its strategy and delivery plan, to maintain and develop qualified Human Capital. The Committee is responsible for carrying out matters on Human Capital policies also to monitoring and reporting the implementation of Human Capital related programs.

Work Guidelines

The duties of the Board of Commissioners are carried out in accordance with the Work Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors (Board Charter), which governs the roles and duties of the Boards of Commissioners and Directors as well as the stages of systematic activities in accomplishing the vision and mission of the Company.

The Board Charter was drafted in accordance with the principles of corporate law, the provisions of the Articles of Association, the prevailing laws and regulations, directives of the shareholders, and best practices of GCG. The contents of the Board Charter are as follows:

Chapter I : Introduction
Chapter II : Legal Basis
Chapter III : Board of Directors
Chapter IV : Board of Commissioners
Chapter V : Conflict of Interest Management
Chapter VI : Information and Reporting
Chapter VII : Closing


In carrying out their duties, the Board of Directors refers to the Work Guidelines of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors (Board Charter). The Board Charter aims to regulate the work procedure of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors and stipulate the stages of systematic activities in order to achieve the Company’s vision and mission.

The Board Charter is based on the principles of corporate law, the provisions of the Articles of Association, the prevailing laws and regulations, directives of the Shareholders, and best GCG practices.

The contents of the Board Charter are as follows:
Chapter I : Introduction
Chapter II : Legal Basis
Chapter III : Board of Directors
Chapter IV : Board of Commissioners
Chapter V : Conflict of Interest Management
Chapter VI : Information and Reporting
Chapter VII : Closing

Code Ethics

The Company formulates the code of ethics applicable to all employees at every level of the organization to improve compliance with internal and external regulations. Sanctions will be applied consistently to all employees who are proven to commit fraud and breach of any external and internal regulation as well as the Company’s internal code of ethics.

Risk Management, Internal Audit and Compliance

As a company engaged in the Investment Manager sector, the risk management function at PT. Sinarmas Asset Management is carried out by the Risk Management Division in accordance with the provisions of the Capital Market Authority. In carrying out active supervision of the establishment of the Company’s risk management strategy, the Board of Directors is assisted by the Risk Committee. The Risk Committee consists of the Board of Directors chaired by the Director in charge of the Risk Management.

Risk Committee is authorized and responsible for establishing risk management strategy policies, coordination and supervision, for all risk management activities. The Risk Committee, assisted by the Risk Management Division, works closely with other divisions/departments in carrying out risk management activities, according to the direction of the risk management policy in order to achieve the Company’s vision and mission. The guidelines and principles used by PT. Sinarmas Asset Management in developing Risk Management refer to international standards and refer to the best practice framework, namely ISO 31000:2009. The aspects in ISO 31000:2009 include Risk Management Principles, Framework and Processes.

The Company formed the Internal Audit that supervise activities through periodic audits and reporting to President Director and Board of Commissioners through the Audit Committee. The existence of Internal Audit is important for the conduct of sustainable business, especially for PT. Sinarmas Asset Management as asset management company to ensure that the activities is comply to the principles of Good Corporate Governance.

Sinarmas Asset Management establishes a function / Compliance Department that is responsible for maintaining and ensuring the company’s business activities run in accordance with applicable regulations and internal company policies. In carrying out its activities, the compliance function / department is guided by the Compliance Charter that has been set by the management, where its content regulates the authority, duties and responsibilities of the compliance department / function.

Organization Structure